Who Invented Walking? The Fascinating History & Evolution of Human Locomotion

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Walking is such a normal and important part of our daily lives that it’s hard to think of a time when it didn’t exist. But have you ever thought about where walking came from? Who or what started this basic movement of people? In this piece, we’ll look at the history, development, and science of walking, as well as the different ideas about who or what came up with walking.

A Brief History of Walking

The Evolution of Walking in Living Organisms

Walking as a way to get around has changed over a very long time. Early multicellular creatures had different ways of getting around, like crawling, slithering, swimming, and, finally, walking. When mammals went from living in water to living on land, they needed legs and feet to move around.

The Invention of Walking in Humans

Humans started walking around the same time that our ancestors started walking on two legs. Fossil evidence shows that the Ardipithecus ramidus species, which lived about 6 million years ago, was the first to walk straight. Over time, walking on two legs became more efficient, which let our ancestors walk farther and adapt to different surroundings.

Walking: A Natural Evolution or a Deliberate Invention?

Walking may seem like an odd thing to “invent” since it has always been a part of human development. In this case, the word “invention” refers to the fact that walking came about as a result of evolution rather than being made on purpose by an individual or group.

Luca: The Last Universal Common Ancestor

The Role of Luca in the Evolution of Walking

The Last Universal Common Ancestor (LUCA) is a made-up organism that all living things on Earth are thought to have come from. Even though LUCA probably didn’t walk, its presence marks the beginning of the line of evolution that finally led to walking in many organisms, including humans.

Alberto and the Origins of Walking

No one knows who “Alberto” is in the past of walking or human progress. There’s a chance that the name “Alberto” is a mistake or misspelling. As we’ve already talked about, walking didn’t start with a single person. Instead, it was the result of a long, complicated process.

The Moon Walk: A Dance Icon

Michael Jackson and the Moon Walk

One well-known way to look at the idea of “inventing walking” is through the Moon Walk, a dance move made popular in the 1980s by Michael Jackson. Even though Jackson didn’t come up with the Moon Walk, he took it to a lot of people’s attention and made it a well-known part of pop culture. The dance move, which involves sliding the feet backwards while making it look like you’re walking forward, was inspired by Bill Bailey, Marcel Marceau, and James Brown’s earlier shows.

Walking as a Learned Skill

Even though people are born knowing how to walk, it is also a skill that can be taught. Babies start to learn how to walk by crawling and standing with help. Eventually, they move on to taking their first steps without help. In this process of learning to walk, motor skills, muscle strength, and balance are developed.

who invented walking

The Science of Walking

The Mechanics of Walking

Walking is a complicated process that requires muscles, joints, and bones to work together. When you walk, you go through a cycle called the gait cycle, which has two parts: the stance phase and the swing phase. During the stance phase, your foot is on the ground. The way you walk affects how you use your energy, your balance, and your steadiness.

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The Neuroscience of Walking

The brain is a very important part of how walking is controlled and coordinated. The cerebellum and basal ganglia are important parts of the brain that control balance, stance, and the start of movement. The motor cortex sends messages to the muscles used for walking. The spinal cord also helps to refine and change these messages, which makes it possible to walk in a smooth and organised way.

The Cultural Impact of Walking

Walking has had a big impact on human society for a very long time. It has changed how we build towns, build roads and streets, and move around in different ways. Walking has also given rise to many works of art, such as books, drawings, and dance.

Walking as a Form of Exercise and Meditation

Walking is not only a way to get around, but also a popular way to work out and relax. Walking for exercise has many health benefits, such as improving heart health, controlling weight, and reducing stress. Many people also do “mindful walking” or “walking meditation,” which includes focusing on the present moment and the feelings of walking in order to become more aware and at peace with oneself.

The Future of Walking: Technological Innovations

The way we walk is still changing and being changed by new technologies. From wearable devices that track our steps and watch how we walk to advanced prosthetics and exoskeletons that help people with movement problems, innovation and scientific discovery are sure to change the future of walking.

As society continues to evolve, various walking techniques and trends have emerged, further showcasing the versatility of this fundamental human activity. Some of these innovative approaches include:

  1. Nordic Walking: This form of walking involves using specially designed poles to engage the upper body muscles, providing a full-body workout and increased calorie burn. Originating in Finland, Nordic walking has gained popularity worldwide as a low-impact, yet effective form of exercise.
  2. Racewalking: A competitive sport, racewalking involves walking at a fast pace while adhering to specific rules, such as maintaining contact with the ground at all times and keeping the front leg straight until it passes under the body. Racewalking is an Olympic event and has a dedicated following of athletes and enthusiasts.
  3. Walking Meetings: As people seek ways to incorporate more physical activity into their daily routines, walking meetings have become a popular alternative to traditional sit-down meetings. Walking meetings not only promote physical health but also foster creativity and improved communication among participants.
  4. Treadmill Desks: Combining work and exercise, treadmill desks allow individuals to walk at a slow pace while performing office tasks. These innovative workstations help combat the negative health effects of prolonged sitting and promote increased physical activity throughout the day.
  5. Walkability Initiatives: Urban planners and policymakers are increasingly recognizing the importance of walkability in creating healthy, sustainable communities. Initiatives such as pedestrian-friendly infrastructure, car-free zones, and improved public transportation aim to promote walking as a primary mode of transportation and improve overall quality of life.


In conclusion, walking is a normal and important part of human life that has deep roots in how we evolved. “Who invented walking” is a complicated question that can’t be answered with a single person or event. Instead, walking is the result of millions of years of changes in our biology, society, and surroundings that have led to it. As long as we keep coming up with new ideas and making new tools, our understanding and experience of walking will change and grow.


Who or what invented walking?

Walking is not an invention but rather a result of the natural process of evolution.

What is the significance of LUCA in the context of walking?

The evolutionary path that led to walking in diverse creatures, including humans, began with LUCA, the Last Universal Common Ancestor.

Who invented the Moon Walk dance move?

Michael Jackson popularised the Moon Walk, but it was influenced by previous performances by performers like Bill Bailey, Marcel Marceau, and James Brown.

How does the brain control walking?

The brain controls walking through the coordinated action of the cerebellum, basal ganglia, motor cortex, and spinal cord.

What are the benefits of walking as a form of exercise and meditation?

Walking improves cardiovascular health, weight control, and stress. Focusing on the present moment and walking sensations promotes mindfulness and inner calm.

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